Early Years 1 & 2
BISB Learning Principles
Learning is collaborative and social, nurtured through respectful relationships and open communication.
Learning is creative and dynamic, empowering students to express their understanding in diverse and meaningful ways.
Learning is contextual and authentic, with local and global relevance, preparing students to thrive as engaged and responsible global citizens.
Learning is individualised, building on each student’s unique knowledge and experiences, and flourishes in a caring and supportive environment.
Early Years 3
The two years spent in Early Years 1 & 2 (ages 3-4) provide a happy, warm and well-structured environment in which the children grow in confidence, becoming increasingly independent and secure as they participate in play and learning activities and social interactions not normally encountered within the home.

Each day is filled with opportunities to socialize and learn with others, both through structured group work and through recreational play, and the children very quickly gain confidence within the friendly and stimulating classroom and playground environments.

Each child has the time and space to develop at his or her own pace, and, as they continue to mature both physically and emotionally, the children gradually acquire and develop the pre-school skills necessary for a smooth transition to the start of the Early Years class.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
The Early Years 1-3 classes form the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ (EYFS) of the English National Curriculum. During this stage, children's learning is guided by seven key areas: Communication and Language, Literacy, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, Mathematics, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and Physical Development. These pillars provide a well-rounded foundation to support each child's growth and development.
The Early Years 3 class provides a secure and structured environment tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. Through quality provision and a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and teaching assistants, we ensure that every child is supported. Each of the seven key areas of learning is equally valued, offering a broad range of rich, stimulating experiences essential to their development. Children are encouraged to learn and grow at their own pace, becoming enthusiastic, confident, and independent learners, fully prepared to transition into their primary school years.

From Early Years 3 class onwards, all pupils receive four French lessons per week, enriching their language skills from an early age.
In Years A and B, pupils explore a range of engaging topics, including ‘All About Me,’ ‘Traditional Tales,’ ‘Muck, Mess & Mixtures,’ ‘Ready Steady Cook,’ and ‘Paws, Pets, and Whiskers.’ These themes provide a fun and stimulating foundation for their learning and creativity.
Oak and Acorn Libraries
The Primary years are divided into two key stages: Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2, ages 5-7) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6, ages 7-11).
Teaching focuses on core academic subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science, complemented by cross-curricular, themed topics that integrate History, Geography, Design and Technology, Information Technology, Art, and Music. Comparative religious studies are also woven into this cross-curricular approach, providing a well-rounded and engaging learning experience for all pupils.

We place considerable emphasis on physical activity, offering a wide variety of sports, gymnastics, and dance. Additionally, our outdoor education programme includes exciting activities such as orienteering, archery, and hiking, promoting fitness and fostering a love for the outdoors.
As well as working on the English National curriculum and the Numeracy and Literacy strategies, all children have specialist Music lessons twice a week and around 8-week blocks of swimming lessons during the year. Key Stage 2 children also benefit from similar blocks of Tennis lessons at a local sport centre

Building Connections
BISB provides high-quality modern education from Early Years through to the end of Key Stage 2, following the National Curriculum for England. Our curriculum is thoughtfully adapted to reflect the diverse experiences of our international student body, located in the heart of Europe. Taught in English, we also offer specialist support for non-English speakers and deliver French lessons from Early Years 3 to Key Stage 2, ensuring a truly global learning environment.
The ability to read is one of the most valuable life skills we can give our children. Research shows that children who read for pleasure gain a significant advantage, with literacy being a stronger predictor of future success than any other factor.

We have two very well-stocked libraries, which the children visit every week to borrow titles of their choice. We believe strongly in children choosing their own library books as this helps to develop their critical capacities and broadens their experience of what books can offer.
We place reading at the core of our curriculum and concentrate from the very beginning on introducing children to the pleasures of reading and of discovering books. We invest in new books, both to keep up with the latest fiction for children, and also to ensure that our topic and science themes are well-resourced with the state-of-the-art non-fiction that is now available. Books of every description are an integral part of each classroom, ready for the children to use, enjoy and share throughout the day.
Our Oak Library is a haven for book lovers and those discovering the delights of reading. The shelves are well-stocked with new titles, old favourites and classics, and the children are encouraged to request recent releases. With its comfortable, modular seating, subtle lighting, interactive screen and stage area, the library a hub for school activities such as debating, drama, music and cinema sessions!
The Acorn Library also has plenty of space to lounge around and read in comfort, with a range of beautiful picture books, young fiction and non-fiction. At the centre of the Acorn building, it offers a warm, cosy environment that welcomes the children into school on a daily basis.