Every term we offer a wide range of exciting extra-curricular activities, led both by our own teachers and by specialists who come into school. Children choose the activities that they would like to try out. The clubs are held immediately after school, usually until 16.30.
Sport and physical activity are an integral part of school life and enhance so many of the important qualities that lie at the heart of our vision – teamwork, self-confidence, self-discipline, involvement and responsibility. Children are encouraged to take on the challenges and to make the most of every opportunity, discovering new skills and passions.
Each Department puts on one or two musical productions a year – one at Christmas and the second at the end of the summer term. These productions extend across the curriculum and are rehearsed at school but performed in local theatres with professional sound and lighting facilities, and wonderful audiences of admiring parents!
Every child participates, not only in the acting and singing, but also in the practical aspects of a major extravaganza such as designing and making the scenery and costumes and creating the programmes.
Our EYFS children (Nursery and Reception) perform their own shows at school for their parents, also in costume and with an impressive range of singing, dancing and instrumental accompaniments!
Private violin lessons are available, with a professional teacher. These lessons are individual, and the times of lessons and payment are arranged by the tutors concerned.
We are constantly looking for new, exciting activities, with the aim of encouraging children to try something different and to have a go! These range from art and craft, such as sculpture, painting, needlework and book-making, to board games, Scalectrix and Lego, or physical activities such as cricket, gardening and yoga. The Arts are covered by Drama and Music. Places are limited for each activity, with a waiting list system for the following term. Each activity finishes at 16.30.